A Tale of Two Leaders


 I will spare you (and myself) a description of the unprecedented economic events of the past sixteen months.  We all know what has happened and the impact this is having on every one of us.  So with that as the background, let me tell you a tale of two leaders and how each deals with […]


The ONE Ability that made Nelson Mandela A Great Leader

If you haven’t seen the movie ‘Invictus’ yet, I can highly recommend it.   Apart from a truly astonishing performance by Morgan Freeman as Mandela, this movie beautifully depicts the unmatched, absolutely unique leadership style of Nelson Mandela.

Mandela spent twenty seven years in a tiny prison cell on Robben Island for opposing […]


Where Has All The Spirit Gone?

Have We Lost Our Spirit?

Leader and employee spirit is the currency of success and yet these statistics tell a story that is economically not viable.


Spirited Leaders Leverage Different Thinking Styles

Different Thinking Styles Apparent for Spirited Leaders

One of the characteristics of great organizational leaders who demonstrate high leadership spirit is that they are well-read and informed about the fact that mobilizing the workforce to deliver exceptional performance requires the ability to ‘speak the language’ that the employee relates to.  What this means is […]


Use Spirited Economics to Create the Next Wave of Economic Progress

In a recent keynote Harvard Business blog post Mr Jeff Immelt used a great phrase. He said that ‘the world has been reset.’ The way I see it, one of the critical problems about this is that the behavior and communication skills of corporate leaders have not been reset to be aligned to […]
